Green computer products los angeles

Security & You

   Protect your valuable data, wherever you are
Protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction is one of the most important concepts in the computer industry today
Every day we hear on the news about companies or people that lost their data or had their information stolen.

261,000,000 records have been breached from Jan 2005 to May 2009. Cost: $200 to fix each record.
Every 12 minutes a credit card number is being compromised around the world. , Every 2 hours – a laptop is being stolen in the US.

Today, the Internet must always be considered a hostile environment. To visit it carelessly is like visiting the toughest neighborhood in a big city after dark, flashing a roll of cash,and paying no attention to your surroundings.
Hacking reasons have been changed in the last past years:

Hackers were distinct community
Did it to brag
Single people

Attack for financial motives.
Merge and share info between hackers.
Organized criminal groups.
Threats to critical infrastructure.
Cyber terror attacks.
Bad economy.
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What we can do for you?
We provide organizations with means to protect and to know how to safe guard their importnat data.
We do that by teaching your organization people how to behave and what they shouldn't do when working,
browsing the internet or when traveling. computer service 90210

Some of the things we consult with are:
Better use of passwords
Backup policy
Behavior policy when outside
Prevention of property loss
Encryption importance and tools.
Protecting your desktops and laptops with protection software
Wireless security
Social engineering
Web countermeasurs

To schedule an affordable and valuable consulting appointment, please contact us. Don't wait until your data has been compromised, act before.

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